Reporting to Parents and Carers

Your child will be supported through an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), which is managed by the Local Authority. Annually, the school conducts an EHCP review, involving consultation with all parents concerned. During this review, the school provides parents and guardians with an update on the EHCP and recommends whether to maintain it as is or make necessary adjustments.

For pupils in years 7-9, parents and guardians are invited to attend Annual Reviews toward the end of each academic year. Additionally, parents of Key Stage 4 students are invited to mid-year progress meetings.

Parents' Evenings take place in the first half of the Autumn Term and in the Summer Term. These events offer parents and guardians the opportunity to meet the staff members involved in their child's education. If the scheduled Parents' Evening is inconvenient for any reason, parents can inform the school, and an alternative individual appointment can be arranged.