

The meaning of the word river underpins what we endeavour to do in the Rivers Phase. Rivers move from a source to a destination. Along their way they flow, change pace, and overcome obstacles. Pupils in the Rivers Phase experience a broad and balanced curriculum tailored to their needs. They work towards qualifications appropriate to their abilities.


Pupils in the Rivers Phase are taught in their classrooms (Science is taught in a science laboratory). All pupils are provided with basic learning resources (pen, pencil, rule etc) and a laptop. The recently increased availability of laptops has allowed pupils to make use of IT (Information Technology) applications such as Google Classroom, Teams and Read Out Loud. These applications are utilised to overcome obstacles to their learning.

The Rivers Phase classrooms and playground are in a designated area. Class sizes are small and staff to pupil ratios are appropriate for each class. As a phase we aim to provide a calm learning environment which is respectful of the mental and spiritual wellbeing of all concerned. We are also mindful of the need to manage our environment in a way which is less polluting to our shared planet.


Staff utilise Assessment for Learning approaches to enable pupils to build on their prior learning and to further construct their knowledge and understanding of subjects. Pupils are given opportunities to collaborate with one another and are given time to reflect upon and apply their learning. In addition, pupils are given the opportunity to integrate their skills, knowledge and learning across the school curriculum and beyond the classroom.   



Below is a sample timetable from one of our classes.